Monday, June 8, 2009

Huck Finn, Honors

4.  Every time Huck goes on land he encounters hypocrisy, greed, or murder.  Describe Huck's encounter with Judith Loftus.  Why does he go to land?  What does he learn from her?  What is the result of the conversation?


  1. Huck goes on land to getsome information. Huck encounters a women that looks new in town and he learns that Pap was a suspect and that some towns people might lynched him also people began to suspect Jim because he ran away the same day Huck was killed but then suspicions again turned against Pap, after he wasted the money that the judge gave him to find Jim for alcohol. Pap left town also there is a rewared for jim The woman also told huck how she discovered smoke over Jackson's Island and she told her husband to look for Jim there. He plans to go there tonight with another man and a gun. The result from this converstation is that she knows that Huck is a man and also Huck realizes that him and jim has to leave.

  2. Huck decides to go to land because it was getting slow and dull for him being on the raft. Jim was still resting from his snake bite. Jim recommended he should dress up as a girl so nobody would know who he really was. Huck went to land and was drawn to a shanty that hadn't been lived in for years. He figured the woman knitting by a candle had only been in town for about two days and wouldn't know him. She could tell him all he needed to know. Huck was welcomed in by the lady and told her his name was Sarah Williams from Hookerville. He made up a story that his mother was sick and out of money. He was on his way to tell his uncle Abner Moore, who lives at the upper end of town. The lady told "Sarah" to spend the night because the upper end of town is quite a ways. Huck just wanted to rest awhile so the lady said that she'd have her husband travel with her. Then the lady went on to talk about her husband and family relations. Huck was beginning to think he had gone to wrong place when the lady got to talking about Huck's murder. This was exactly what Huck wanted to know about. He asked who killed Huck. She replied that some people don't know, some think Huck did it himself, and lots think that a runaway African American named Jim killed him. Huck found out there was a $300 reward out for Jim and a $200 one for Pap Finn. Pap had gone to Judge Thatcher asking for money to find Huck but then spent it on alcohol. (Wow...Pap really cares for his son. NOT!) Now others believe Pap was the one to kill Huck. Huck got really nervous during this part of the conversation so he picked up a needle to thread it. The lady was watching him very curiously, so Huck put down the needle and thread. Their conversation continued on until the lady asked Huck's name again. He answered Mary Williams and then realized he had told her before his name was Sarah. Huck tried to save himself by saying he really meant his name was Sarah Mary Williams. The lady went on to talk about the hard times and the rats in her house. She had Huck throw a bar of lead at the next rat he saw. A rat appeared and he threw it, hitting directly where the rat was. Huck eventually gave up pretending to be a girl because Judith figured it out. She asked him what his real name was, so Huck told her George Peters. He made up yet another lie. He said his mother and father were both dead. The law made him live with an old farmer who treated him so horribly that Huck stole his daughter's clothes and ran away. Judith sent him on his way but not before telling him that he made a terrible girl. He didn't thread needles right, throw like a girl, or catch like a girl. Huck learned from Judith that people were on the lookout for Jim so they had better keep moving. He knew there were various stories about who murdered Huck Finn. It confirmed that his father really did not care about him. He had wanted to find out about Widow Douglas and his father. Huck found out everything he needed to know at the time, and he needed confirmation on the whereabouts of the people who cared about him.

  3. I found Huck's encounter with Judith Loftus hilarious, and it was probably one of my favorite parts of the story. Huck was getting bored on the raft, as Katie said,so he went on land dressed as a girl being sure that no one would recognize him. After deciding to go to Judith Loftus' house, he was instantly welcomed into her home and Huck introduced himself as Sarah Williams. Huck wanted to find out what had become of his murder, like if they had arrested someone or anything of the sort. While listening, he picked up a needle to thread it, and then Judith asked for his/her name again. This time, he/she said Mary Williams, caught what he said, and then tried say the full name was Sarah Mary Williams. I thought this was the funniest thing, because I could picture her facial expression in reaction to hearing that. Obviously, this woman isn't a complete idiot, and she can tell when a child is lying. Later on, they were discussing her rat situation in the house. They saw a rat, and Huck threw a piece of lead at it, hitting it perfectly. Judith picked up on the mannerisms and techniques on doing things, and told Huck she knew he was a boy. That blew his whole cover, so then he gave her another story that was a complete lie.

    I think Huck learned a lot from his visit with Judith Loftus. One thing he learned was what was going on with his murder. That was the main reason he went to see someone. Secondly, as Katie also said, he realized his father didn't care about him at all. He just wanted to get the money and forget he ever had a son. Finally, I think Huck learned that if he was going to keep up the act of being someone else and hiding, he needed to keep his story straight and play the role he was trying to be. Luckily in this case, he came up with another lie that was believable, but he might not always be able to do that. He was able to learn from his mistake and be more careful about how he goes about hiding.

  4. The main reason for Huck to dress up as a girl and go onto shore was to gather information; he wanted to know if the gossip about his & Jim's "departure" was still going around. With the women's clothes they found at the house, Huck dressed up as a girl and went to listen in on the people's opinions of his escape.
    Shortly after arriving in the town of St. Petersburg, he found a woman who took him inside and told him everything that had gone on since he & Jim left their hometown. She told him of the rewards out for his murderer & for Jim. She even told him of her own theories of what happened, and how she told her husband of her theories.
    All the while, she was giving him subtle tests (the knitting, throwing the rock at the rat, tossing the lead in his lap), and she realized that Huck was indeed not a girl. After letting Huck know that she was onto him, she gave him more than a few pointers to help him with his masquerade.
    Mrs. Judith Lotus's theory of Huck Finn's current location on the island were in fact true. As soon as Huck was able to leave he went straight to the island since Mrs. Judith's husband was going to come to the island and see if she was right. So, Huck and Jim left the island as fast as they could.

  5. Huck goes to land to break his boredom. He “wanted to get a stirring up, some way.” Another reason was Jim and Huck were really wondering what was going on, with Jim as a runaway slave, and Huck as a “murdered” child. So, for safety, he dressed as a girl, and headed out at night to the town. He found someone who wouldn’t know him, but know all the news and that just happened to be in her forties who had just moved there... Judith Loftus. Huck learned the aftermath of his death. She told him news of his father, of all the suspicions of the town, and of the lurking danger coming for Jim and him. The funny part, as I thought of it as, was when Huck realized it is important to remember your name when you’re posing as someone whom you are not. Judith told him to keep that quick in mind, and to act more like a girl, fully equipped with tips for him to do that. Then she asked who he really was... so he lied once more, a little better that time. The whole ordeal was rather hysterical, but it saved their lives, for if Huck wasn’t tipped off of the bounty hunters, then they just might have been caught.


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