Friday, May 29, 2009

Huck Finn, Honors

2.  What do you think about Huck's escape from the cabin?  Could this happen today?


  1. The escape itself is certainly possible. However, I doubt you would be able to continue to elude authorities. Modern technologies would obviously determine that Huck wasn't killed (swine DNA, not human etc.). A search would be conducted to find Huck. As far as I know, our methods of searching on foot aren't much more advanced today than they were at this time, but we have the helicopter. Even at night it would be relatively easy to track him down with night vision and infrared capabilities. Then again, you have to consider the thickness of the woods on Jackson's Island. it is possible that Huck Finn could elude modern search techniques in the forest.
    To me, it would depend how much distance he covered in that first night. If he were to make it thirty or more miles; I think he'd probably make it.
    I suppose I have digressed, the fact is; the escape would be possible in today's world. In my opinion, however, it would be highly unlike that Huck could remain undetected for any amount of time.

  2. I also think that Huck could escape the way he did in today's world. The problem would arise after that escape though. There are very few times whenever the police want or need to find somebody that they're unable to do so. As John said, the reason this is, is because the technology has advanced and improved tremendously.
    As they're traveling on the raft, I would also think that they would have to run into more people that question why they're really there. It's all part of the story, which makes it an adventure and very interesting though. If it wasn't a story I would predict that quite soon after their escape they would be found.
    There's the local police, state police, FBI, CSI, and even smaller groups of these that would be able to use their knowledge of their specialties to help in finding Huck. Instead of riding in a boat just looking and calling out his name there would be people on foot from different companies, helicopters, people on boats as well, and all spread out over a well dispersed area. It's almost impossible with the use of technology to not be found.

  3. I agree with everyone so far in saying that this escape could happen today. It is common for a child suffering from abuse to escape while their guardian isn't paying attention to them, or gone. I'm not so sure that it would be as common to see a child fake their death to escape, but I definitely think that this escape is practical.
    I agree with Jill; I don't think that Huck could avoid being found in today's world. We have so many different organizations that are trained to find children who have run away. It would be almost impossible today for Huck to be able to go on land, and be about as much as he was without anyone recognizing. Usually when a child goes missing, there's a nationwide alert, such as an Amber Alert, so it's hard for them to not be recognized if they're out in a town.

  4. Hucks escape is possible but today in World it probably would not be because of how the way science and technology is today people could eaisly prove that he was not dead so iam also going to have to agree with jill and sarah.

  5. Huck's escape from the cabin was very well planned and a job well done. Ha! He wasn't frightened by his abduction from his drunken father. Actually, at first he thought it was better than staying with the Widow Douglas. It was lazy and jolly for him. He got to smoke and fish not study. He cussed again. The fact is Huck was abused by his father. Pap had Huck covered in welts because he beat him with hickory. He would leave Huck locked in the cabin and be gone for days. He only wanted Huck for his money. Pap threatened to stow Huck away if anybody tried looking for him. He cussed all the time toward Huck. Eventually, Huck became uneasy with everything and decided he was going to run away.
    Today, what Pap did to Huck, it would be considered child abuse. Events like this happen a lot. Children are being physically beaten, molested, verbally attacked, and neglected. It's all really upsetting. As for how Huck escaped his father's grasp, now that's a different story. Children who are abducted can sometimes get away from their abductor without them being found first by the police. However, I don't think the abductees would think of taking all the food in the house with them. Now the might think of asking a canoe or a raft if they were in the middle of no where and beside a river. Depending on how frightened the child is, they might not think of taking a canoe. I'm sure most children wouldn't think of killing a pig and making it look like they were murdered themselves, either. What are the chances of an abducted child being locked inside a house, in the middle of no where, beside a river, with a random pig running around? I think the chances are very slim. What child plans their own fake death? There might be that one child who thinks in terms of Hucks ways but most might be too scared to do anything, let alone run away. I know I would be terrified if I was abducted. Then again, I might be underestimating children. It may all depend on the age and maturity level of a child as to what determines their ability to get away.

  6. I agree with both Sarah and Jill. There are many organizations such as Children and Youth Services, Childline, and Child Protection Program. Any parent who beats their child for no reason with hickory and leaves them locked away in the house for days would be in some serious trouble.

  7. John made some good points. Basically, there is so much new technology being created every day of our lives. It's all getting so advanced. We have forensics, the FBI, child services, and lots of other organizations that involve looking for children, and adults and teens. In todays world, Huck might be able to go without being found a while because you know the lost child bulletins at Walmart? Those children haven't been found yet even with all this advanced technology.

  8. I think Huck's little plan for escape from his father is genius! He fakes his own death while hiding his real means of escape. This way, nobody from the town would continue looking for him after they declared him dead. He messed up the cabin to create the facade of a break in and kidnapping or murder. Nowadays, you wouldn't be able to pull off an escape like that due to the advances in technolody and criminal investigation. They would have been able to test the blood he left in the cabin and verify that it wasn't human blood but pigs.

  9. I believe that Huck's escape from the cabin is ingenious. A child being able to think around the system shows that Huck is resourceful and clever. He had barely any tools or time to do the escape, yet he pulls it off, tricking everyone he knew, and then some. However, his father was rather inebriated, and didn’t really pay attention to Huck unless he did something wrong or he needed him to do something at his beck and call. That was definitely at Huck’s advantage. Still though, to be able to think through what would confuse the families and authorities, and find all the resources to pull it off is considerably witty.
    In today’s world, pulling this off as slick may be a bit more difficult. The authorities wouldn’t be fooled by mere pig’s blood, an axe with Huck’s and Pa Finn’s prints on it, and such things that could easily be sorted out by today’s technologies for crime scene investigations. Also, if by some glitch, he made it out, he would most likely get caught on the river. A raft with a boy that looks like the one who was supposedly killed is very conspicuous. Someone would be bound to recognize him.
    And as an added note… Huck might have not even been in the situation if today’s social workers had any hint of his father’s actions. Huckleberry would be back to some other guardian in a heartbeat.

  10. Huck's plan to and actual escape from the cabin was quite impressive, and definitely worked out for him. He thought of a lot of the details, and did a great job executing his plan.

    For the time he did it in, he couldn't have made a better escape. However, by today's standards, Huck wouldn't quite be able to measure up.

    As for the evasion of the search, Huck might be able to get a good head start, but I do believe that he would ultimately be found.

  11. Hucks escape was pretty stirring I mean for a black men to think of all those important details to escape. Back in Hucks time is possible to escape but i think if Huck would try that Today in the world where are technology and science is more advanced so I think w would have found him.

  12. Would Huck Finn be in this situation in the 21st century? Would our society let a crazed, drunken man take back his reluctant son and hide him away in a cabin?

    Besides that, it would be easy for Huck Finn to run away, unless of course his father tricked out the cabin with lazer beams, alarms, cameras, and boobie traps. Huck was crafty and more than likely he would find a flaw and be able to escape. If not, let's say he did.

    It wouldn't be the same however, running away from everyone. After a week his face would be all over CNN if we can ever get past this celebrity epidemic. Somebody down river would have to recognize him.

    Then again i finished reading "Into The Wild". Chris McCandless ran away from home and wasn't found until he was dead about 2 years later. He traveled across the U.S. and even with his parents searching frantically for him, no one ever picked up who he actually was. It wasn't too long ago so I really believe it would be possible for Huck Finn to escape.

  13. I think this is a very debatable question. James makes a very good point, “Would our society let a crazed, drunken man take back his reluctant son and hide him away in a cabin?”

    Huck’s original escape was very impressive and well thought out. He had fooled everyone into thinking he was murdered and not missing. By having everyone, thinking that he was dead and not missing no one set out looking for him or had posters out with his face on it trying to locate him. As long as Huck got a ways away, he could come out of hiding and not be recognized. Today however, I believe that Huck would have been able to runaway… but I am not sure for how long. As my classmates have said, we now have advances in technology and criminal investigation. After blood tests of the blood at the crime scene showed it wasn't Huck's blood then search teams and posters would be everywhere looking for him. I agree with Sara, Huck would be able to get a good head start but I feel he would be found eventually.

  14. Like John said, technologies of today would make that kind of cover-up highly unlikely to succeed but it was pretty impressive. I loved how the whole thing panned out for his escape, and in that time period, it would have been very plausible.

  15. I think it is really impressive how Huck did this. But at the same time it is kind of sad because Huck is probably used to sneaking out because of the way he was treated. I totally agree with Katie on the child protection services.

  16. It's incredible that a child of his age would be able to craft a plan to escape,but I don't think it would be able to keep continuing in today's world. As everyone else said, with the agencies and child services, Huck would not be able to go unfound. He may have been able to conceal himself for quite some time, but in the end he would most likely be found. As is the case with most missing children today.


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